Saturday 2 August 2014

Video, Mostly...

I have a new video out on YouTube...
~~~~~~Click Here~~~~~~
I have had quite a busy school year this year, what with my GCSE's starting and all that... And loads of Bullshitty Rumors going round school that actually aren't true and in fact trying to cope with that all, its been hard. But of course I have focused on only the good things in life cause I don't want to make anyone feel down or make it that people have to actually care about me or even pretend to care... So I keep my pain to my self, Which I have now just shared with you, so SHit...
Other news... this post is late so tomorrow there will (maybe) be another post about the video I'm editing now... That should be fun!
Well talk to you tomorrow... Cause where I am in the World its 10pm... sleepy time (likely)...
Bye Y'all! Love Ya! <3

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